Sunday, June 10, 2007


One of the oral stories in the Bieke family is about the creamery explosion in front of my great-grandparent's house at 3754 Field Street (866 Field Street prior to renumbering in 1921). As my Mom tells the story, there was a creamery in front of the great-grandparent's house, and it used to make a lot of noise. My great-grandma always liked a good fight, so she would complain about the noise. Then there was an explosion at the creamery, and it blew out the windows of my great-grandparent's house directly across the street. Then there was a newspaper article about it, with a photo on the front page of my great-grandmother and her youngest son Jack sitting on her lap. There are various explanations as to the cause of the explosion, ranging from it being a labor dispute to a deliberate act to rattle my great-grandmother. My uncle Ken says it was the Jersey Creamery. This is at this point all hearsay; I haven't seen any written documentation of this event, and there is currently a vacant lot directly across the street from 3754 Field (which is also torn now). Apparently my grandpa had the newspaper article about it, but when he moved from Wilshire Street to the suburbs in the 1970's this was lost along with other family memorabilia.

Well yesterday I was headed to the Detroit Arts Festival, and I stopped off at the Eastern Market for lunch (I always have a hard time deciding between a 1/2 slab of ribs or the 1 lb "Oh My God" burger). Yesterday I chose the 1/2 slab of ribs. Then it was off to the Detroit Arts Festival. As I was walking to the festival from my car, I decided to stop in the Detroit Public Library and see if there were old telephone books that might at least give the name of the creamery. That would put me at the top of my Mom's Golden Boy list for another month or so (my reign lasted about 12 months when I got the Sonny Bieke accident article). So I entered the library about 1 PM, and before I knew it, the library staff were coming around at 5:45 to tell people it was time to leave!

First of all, I blew it in a way, because I was assuming the explosion happened in the early 1920's, because I though my uncle Jack was only a couple years younger than my grandpa, who was born in August 1919. Well I know now that my Mom's Uncle Jack was born in August 1929, so the explosion probably happened in the early 1930's. That would explain why I wasn't able to find the name of the creamery in the City Directories!

Regardless, I was able to find out several things. First of all, there was in fact a creamery, and I have the map to prove it (click on the photo to enlarge). In the 1915 map there was a vacant lot where the creamery is in this map (which I think is the 1925 map?). I did check the City Directories from the early 1920's and wasn't able to find the name of the creamery under creameries or dairy products, so I suspect I was looking a few years too early (before the creamery was built?).

In the 1922-1923 City Directory, Daniel M. Bieke is listed as living at 3754 Field Street, while his brother Frank J. Bieke lived next door at 3748 Field.

In the 1922-1923 City Directory, Albert L. Sharpe is listed as living at 3747 Field Street, right next door to the creamery. His daughter Alice Sharpe is listed as working for Belle Isle E-S Creamery as a telephone operator. So I was thinking that maybe this creamery on Field Street was unnamed and doing contract work for the Belle Isle Creamery? But now I know I was simply looking ten years too early.

On an unrelated note, I checked out some of the earlier City Directories. In the 1870-1971 directory, Frank Bieke [my great-great grandfather] was listed as a pedlar residing at 238 Maple. His brother Joseph, a carpenter, is living at the s.e. corner of Orleans and James. I also checked the 1865-1866 directory. Both Bieke brothers were in the Civil War, so I didn't expect to see them in the 1865-1866 directory, because they probably haven't settled back from the war while the directory was being compiled. But I thought maybe I could find Augustin Bieke, the third Bieke brother who came from Germany that we don't know what happened to. Well, I found John Bicke, a laborer, who lived at the rear alley entrance of a place at 102 Napoleon. I have found both Frank and Jospeph Bieke with names spelled as Bieke, Bicke, and Bicker, so I suppose it is possible this person is a relative of Frank and Joseph. On the other hand, I also found in the 1865-1866 directory a John Bickle, a warehouseman at Barnes, Matthews, & Co, who lives at Napoleon near Hastings. Is that the same person? Would a guy named Augustin use John as his first name? Your guess is as good as mine.

Also, knowing that the neighborhood on Wilshire was built in the early 1920's, I checked the 1927-1928 City Directory, and found that Louis Lubeski lived at 12121 Wilshire.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I live near Detroit and dug up a bunch of old milk jars in our yard. 1 from the Detroit creamery co. and the other from gabel - Risdon (which says" famous jersey" on it). hope this lends some more insight

    1. I do know that there was. Gabel who owned or co-owned a creamery there as I am related to some gabels who are related to the co-owner. These people came from Germany also from what I understand. My great grandmother was a gabel.i believe the label that co-owned the creamery was a Phillip gabel. Btw an explosion at a creamery sounds suspicious I would think. Try downloading the old news app you will likely find something there.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Was just watching "Pickers" and there was a milk bottle from the Jersey Creamy, Detroit - being born in Detroit on the East Side it possessed me to do some research on it. I found you then I found this
    It's about the Jersey Creamy on Field St, Detroit.

  3. I have only the most minor detail. My great Aunt Anna worked for the Risdo's as a Housekeeper and Cook. They had money, and my Aunt would bring home dresses and dolls handed down from the Risdons.

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      My grandma "Sarah Adele Risdon"

  4. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I think My family owned Belle isle Creamery back before WWI I remember pictures in my gpas house How do I find out???

    1. Did your family know the Houtteman's? My husband's grandfather was Henry Houtteman & he worked for the Belle Isle Creamery at the time of his death in January of 1935.

  5. Anonymous11:26 AM

    My parents knew the Risdon's well! My Uncle had a accident in their home in Grosse Pointe. They spoke very highly of the family

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      It is funny to read this. My grandfather was one of the Risdon's which owned the dairy.

    2. Charles Risdon is my great grandfather in my mothers side my grandmother was Irene Risdon a daughter of Charles, contact me if you would you would be interested in the pics and news clippings I have

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      My granda mother was Sarah Adele Risdon.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    What street in Grosse Pointe?

    1. Grosse Pointe is a city just across the line from Detroit.

  7. Charles Risdon was the owner of Risdon creamery in Detroit he was my great grandfather on my mothers side, if you google Risdon creamery Detroit you will get a lot of info

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      My father, Gerald Fowler was the production supervisor for Risdon Creamery for many years. He spoke highly of them.

    2. I do believe the creamery was gabel-risdon at one time. I'm not sure if the gabels sold out though, I thought I read that Borden bought them out, not sure lol.but I remember my grandmother talking about seeing them years ago as a kid. My great grandmother was a gabel and I have seen an old milk bottle labeled " gabel creamery" not sure if they sold it out or what lol. Now I am curious. Sounds like it must have changed hands a few times.but I do think I read that Borden bought them out that was a very long time ago as my dad's mother was born in 1911 she had many pictures of my grandfather's family, my grandfather's mother was a gabel.

  8. I believe I live in his home! On Touraine...I have an old bucket of a product for dairy cows. Would this be correct?!

  9. Hello, I suppose you got the answer to your question by now but while researching another creamery I found that it was the Jersey across the street from your relative but the explosion happened in a home on Field St and firemen tired to prevent the fire from reaching the dairy across the street. Found this in a Detroit Free Press article.

  10. I assume you got the answer to your question by now but I found that the creamery across the street from your relative was the Jersey Creamery but the explosion happened at a home on Field St. The firemen tried to prevent the fire from reaching the creamery so I'm sure there was much activity at the creamery. Found this in a Detroit Free Press article while I was researching another creamery.

  11. I have an old milk bottle that says “ property of Jersey Creamery” Detroit Mich.

  12. I remember Risdon Dairy plant it was on 22nd or 23rd Michigan Ave. My father hauled milk there from the farms in Sanilac county. Studaker ray milk hauling.

  13. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I collect milk bottles from cremeries in Detroit and I have one labelled with just Gabel's and one with Risdon and one with Belle Isle

  14. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Hi, I live in Macomb County, Michigan.

    I specifically research that area's history.

    I found an old plat map for where I live in Washington Township(1920's), about a mile away from me there is a land plot labeled "Gabel Creamery Company".

    Is this another location for this specific family?
    I can not find any further information on it.

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      I have also been trying to find information on the Gabel (Gabil) Creamery family. My great grandmother was Katherine (Gabel) Geierman. (Katherine came from Germany) She lived on a farm in Maybee MI. I was told these were relatives. Any clues would be appreciated
